Hey! Have you heard of the Polyglot Gathering?
The Polyglot Gathering is the world’s biggest international event for polyglots and language lovers which is being organized every single year at the end of May. This fantastic event is fully packed with awesome talks and presentations, rich cultural activities and fun social program. And what is the best part? Everything is related to languages!
During the event, the participants spread their love and exercise their passion for cultures and languages, share tips and experiences, and most importantly use and practice many languages to discuss, listen, learn, and socialize with one another. Learners, teachers, enthusiasts, beginners, professionals, scientists, educators, Polyglot Gathering is here for all of us! Are you ready to join?

In 2021 the Polyglot Gathering will take place online for the second time!
The first Polyglot Gathering took place in Berlin, Germany in 2014–2016, followed by Bratislava, Slovakia in 2017–2019, and finally, there was an online version of this event in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year you can look forward to Polyglot Gathering Online 2021, once again on May 20–23, 2021!
Wait, does this mean that the Polyglot Gathering will not take place in Teresin, Poland this year?
Unfortunately no, the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and we would not want to risk the safety of our participants by organizing such a big international event during the current tough times. As much as we would like to see you all live, we will have to do it next year because Polyglot Gathering in Teresin, Poland is postponed for May 2022.
Have you already bought a ticket for Polyglot Gathering 2020 in Poland (before it was postponed) and transferred it to 2021? You’re in luck! Not only does it transfer as a ticket for Polyglot Gathering 2022, but it also serves as a ticket for Polyglot Gathering Online 2021 at no extra charge. Please check your e-mail for more information.
What did the participants say last year?
What can I expect from this year’s Polyglot Gathering Online?
We’re glad you asked! We get it, having a Polyglot Gathering without being able to see your fellow polyglots live is not exactly the same. However, we know how important it is for our participants to meet every year and learn from one another, which is why we want to expand upon our last year’s event and make Polyglot Gathering Online 2021 a complete package full of unique online language experiences!
Captivating presentations
Get ready to get inspired by polyglots from around the world who are going to share their experiences by giving live talks in many languages about a huge variety of subjects related to languages. Whether you want to explore a specific language in depth, or you want to learn about different methods to learn languages, there will be more than enough cool talks for you to choose from.
Once the live talks are over, you will be able to watch them again as many times as you want for up to 1 month after the end of Polyglot Gathering Online 2021. How cool is that?
Language practice rooms
Would you like to practice your French, German, Indonesian, or Swahili? We’ve got you covered! The hugely popular language practice rooms will make a return during this year’s Polyglot Gathering Online and you will be able to practice a wide and vibrant variety of languages throughout the entire event with other polyglots. 1 language, 1 hour, 1 room, just pick one and go ahead!
A diverse program
Besides the talks, Polyglot Gathering Online 2021 will offer lots of fun language-related activites in which you can take part either as a spectator or an active participant. Currently we are planning lots of great surprises for you, so stay tuned as we will announce more specific details along the way.
Social and cultural activites
Let’s all have fun together and get to know each other in a multilingual environment! Polyglot Gathering has always been about its people and celebrating the beautiful diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and of course languages. Despite the fact that everything is happening online during the current times, this event will make you interact with others and allow you to feel and embrace the polyglot atmosphere to the fullest level.
Being part of an active community of polyglots
Our lively Telegram group is already active, and will stay open during and after Polyglot Gathering Online 2021. Want to find other people who share your interests, and maybe get to know them a little before the Gathering? Want to communicate with each other during the sessions, to see who is doing what during the parallel sessions? Want to keep in touch with your new contacts and friends afterwards? If your answer is yes, this is the place for all of that!
Click here to check out the Polyglot Gathering Online 2021 Telegram group.
A certificate of attendance
Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance by e-mail after the end of the event. Proudly show it in your school, university, workplace or to your grandmother or grandson!
Who are the organizers of this event?
The founders of the event and main organizers of the first three editions in 2014–2016 were Judith Meyer, Chuck Smith and Martin Sawitzki. Afterwards, Polyglot Gathering moved from Berlin, Germany to Bratislava, Slovakia and has been organized ever since by a non-profit organization Education@Internet (E@I), with Peter Baláž as the main organizer along with the rest of this organization’s dedicated team of polyglots and organizers.
Education@Internet (E@I) is an international team which conducts online projects that first became active in 1999. Drawing upon the team’s expertise, E@I was legally constituted in 2005 as a politically-neutral and non-governmental youth organization.
E@I’s vision is that of a world in harmony and peace, in which all citizens may communicate worldwide with ease and speed.
This organization’s activities are conducted in accordance with this vision, and with the help of an international group of volunteers. These activities comprise organizing and supporting projects which disseminate the importance and usefulness of unbarred international communication.
If you appreciate this organization’s work in regards to Polyglot Gathering and you would like to contribute to the realization of its activities, please consider supporting it financially in order to help assure the sustainability of its projects.
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