Polyglot Gathering 2022

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Laman sesawang ini memaparkan maklumat tentang Polyglot Gathering pada tahun 2022. Untuk maklumat tentang edisi terkini, ikuti pautan ini.

Cabaran bahasa

Halaman ini hanya terdapat dalam bahasa Inggeris.

How well can you learn a language in just 50 days? Have you ever wondered? Now you have a chance to find out: Join our Challenge to learn Polish and/or Ukrainian in just 50 days before the Polyglot Gathering 2022! Why learn these languages? Polish is one of the most popular languages among polyglots. It has cute pronunciation and will be definitely useful when you arrive to Poland for the Gathering. Ukrainian is now called a language of freedom and there is still so much interesting about it that you are still about to find out. Are you ready for the challenge? Are you ready to get a new superpower by learning one or both of these fascinating languages? Here’s how it works:

  1. Apply to participate in the challenge:
    • The challenge starts on 16 April 2022.
    • You apply simply by filling in the application form.
    • Who can participate: anyone who is a complete beginner in Polish/Ukrainian
  2. Learn Polish/Ukrainian from scratch in 50 days.
    • It’s up to you how you want to learn, but we can recommend some free online resources to get you started:
      • Thanks to your sponsor uTalk, you can enjoy two months of free access to Ukrainian and Polish lessons!
      • Polski.info – a free website to learn Polish.
      • Duolingo – if you want a gamified learning experience, this platform might be something to try out. Both Polish and Ukrainian courses are available.
      • Clozemaster also offers a rapid expansion of your vocabulary in Polish and Ukrainian.
      • Loecsen can help you to quickly learn basic words and expressions you will need for your communication in Polish and Ukrainian.
      • Ukrainiancourse.com offers 3 courses that will take you from the most basic level of Ukrainian to a medium command of the language.
      • If the Cyrillic alphabet is new to you, you can practice your writing here.
      • Feel free to join the Telegram chats for Polish and Ukrainian or the Facebook groups Polish language - more info and Ukrainian Language.
  3. Prove that you’re the best and win awesome prizes!
    • The challenge ends during the Polyglot Gathering in Teresin, where all contestants will have a chance to prove their skill in an oral exam (don’t worry, it’s more like an informal conversation!).
    • The oral exam consists of a short presentation (1-2 minutes) and a conversation with our jury.
    • The criteria you will be tested on are: fluency, interaction, grammatical accuracy, and vocabulary.
    • We have some great polyglot prizes ready for you!

Good luck! Powodzenia! Успіхів!