Polyglot Gathering 2024

Diese Webseite handelt vom Polyglot Gathering 2024. Für Informationen über das aktuelle Gathering folge diesem Link.

Wie man teilnehmen kann

Diese Seite ist momentan nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
This page is about the live Polyglot Gathering in Czechia. For the Polyglot Gathering Online, see its registration page.

How to participate

Are you ready for the event? Excited? Looking forward to meeting your polyglot friends face to face yet again? In order to enjoy the event to its fullest potential, we recommend registering as a participant and coming to Prague for the Gathering and ordering all meals so you can share them with other polyglots.

If you do not want to eat meals at the Polyglot Gathering venue, you do not have to order them and you can eat outside.

Please note that we do not offer accommodation this year.

Register now

Registration fees and meals

All participants must be registered. It is advised to register in advance. People who are not registered will not have access to the venue.

For the time being, we do not plan to close the registration at some point. In case we have to limit participants later on, we will announce it.

There is a possibility of having dinner at the Gathering venue together with other participants. When registering for the Gathering, you can choose whether you would like to order them or not. You can of course use the dinner times to go out and eat at places of your choice.

Also, the common meals are a great possibility to hang out with fellow polyglots outside of the lectures and get to know new people. The dining room is a very cozy place to get together and use the Gathering to its fullest potential.

There will be vegetarian and vegan options.

Participation costs, with and without lunches
With lunches Without lunches
Whole event 1 day Whole event 1 day
Until March 14, 2024 185 € 65 € 155 € 55 €
Until April 14, 2024 200 € 70 € 170 € 60 €
Until May 8, 2024 230 € 80 € 200 € 70 €
From May 9, 2024 Not possible! 240 € 80 €
The cost of each dinner
Dinner Booked until May 8, 2024 Booked on May 9, 2024 or later
Dinner 13 € 15 €



The Polyglot Gathering 2024 T-shirt is free for the first 100 registered participants. After this, it costs 12 €.


Discounts are available for people under 18, students under 26 and people who give lectures or workshops. The age taken into account is the age on the first day of the Polyglot Gathering (May 15, 2024). Students must provide a valid student ID card when they arrive at the Polyglot Gathering.

Category 3 days or more 2 days 1 day
Students under 26 -60 € -30 € -15 €
Youth under 18 -80 € -40 € -20 €

Cancellation charges

The appropriate refunds will be made after the event with the following conditions:

If you want to cancel your participation, please write to administration@polyglotgathering.com.

Name change

If you are prevented from attending, you will be given the opportunity to send a colleague in your place. Name changes should be notified in writing to email (administration@polyglotgathering.com). A handling fee of 30 € will be charged for each name change. No name change will be possible after 12 April 2024.

Updating your registration

When you complete your registration, you will receive a confirmation message containing a link allowing you to update your registration. Please note that some changes (especially regarding meals) will have to be approved by an organizer.

Payment information


Upon receipt of the correct participant fee (clear of all bank charges), each participant will receive a confirmation of registration.

Bank transfer

Beneficiary E@I (if your bank doesn’t accept the @ symbol, you can write “EAI”)
Beneficiary address Víťazná 840/67A
SK-958 04 Partizánske
Account number:
IBAN SK83 7500 0000 0040 3004 1450

Note: When sending money, please write “PG2024” and your name and surname in the field “Message for recipient”, e.g. “PG2024 John Smith”.

Note: If you use a foreign bank account to transfer money to the account in Slovakia, please arrange your transfer so that you, the sender, will pay the transfer cost (otherwise, you will need to pay us the transfer cost at the event, since it will have been deducted from the money that we received). If your bank account is not in euro, consider using Wise to avoid high transfer costs.

Credit card

You can also pay by credit card directly in the registration form. The payment form is provided by Stripe and we do not see or store your card data.

A banking fee (2.9% of your total amount) is automatically applied if you choose to pay by credit card.


It is also possible to pay through PayPal to administration@polyglotgathering.com, but a fee (5% of your total amount) is applied.

Please write “PG2024” and your name and surname in the field “Message for recipient”, e.g. “PG2024 John Smith”.