Tá an t-aistriúchán sa teanga seo ag 29%. Is féidir an t-eolas ar fad is déanaí a fháil as Béarla agus i dteangacha eile chomh maith.
This website is about the Polyglot Gathering in 2024. For information about the current edition, follow this link.
Seolta r-phost na n-eagraithe
Cuir r-phost chugainn ag baint úsáid as an seoladh r-phost cuí le do thoil:
- Ceisteanna ginearálta: info@polyglotgathering.com
- Riarachán, clárú: administration@polyglotgathering.com
- Clár imeachtaí: program@polyglotgathering.com
- Comhordaitheoir na saorálaithe: volunteers@polyglotgathering.com
- Caidreamh urra: sponsors@polyglotgathering.com
- Tacaíocht suímh: website@polyglotgathering.com
- Subtitles support: subtitles@polyglotgathering.com
Do not forget to specify if your question is about the Polyglot Gathering Online or the live Polyglot Gathering in Czechia.