This website is about the Polyglot Gathering in 2024. For information about the current edition, follow this link.
- Polyglot Gathering 2014 在柏林
- Polyglot Gathering 2015 在柏林
- Polyglot Gathering 2016 在柏林
- Polyglot Gathering 2017在布拉迪斯拉发
- Polyglot Gathering 2018在布拉迪斯拉发
- Polyglot Gathering 2019在布拉迪斯拉发
- Polyglot Gathering 2020在线
- Polyglot Gathering 2021在线
- Polyglot Gathering 2022 online and in Teresin, Poland
- Polyglot Gathering 2023 online and in Teresin, Poland