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March 6 to 9, 2025
Brno, Czech Republic
May 28 to June 1, 2025
Ep! Has sentit parlar sobre el Polyglot Gathering?
El Polyglot Gathering és l'esdeveniment internacional més gran del món per a políglotes i amants dels idiomes, i és organitzat cada any al final de maig. Aquest fantàstic esdeveniment està ple de increïbles xerrades i presentacions, riques activitats culturals i un divertit programa social. I quina és la millor part? Tot està relacionat amb els idiomes!
Durant l'esdeveniment, els participants escampen el seu amor i exerciten la seva passió pels idiomes, comparteixen trucs i experiències, i el més important, utilitzen i practiquen molts idiomes per discutir, escoltar, aprendre i socialitzar amb els altres. Aprenents, professors, entusiastes, principiants, professionals, científics, educadors, el Polyglot Gathering està aquí per a tots nosaltres! Estàs llest per unir-t'hi?
If you want to be informed as soon as more information about the Polyglot Gathering 2025 is available, just leave your e-mail address!
What is Polyglot Gathering?
Here are a few answers from our participants!
El Polyglot Gathering va canviar la meva vida. Jo acostumava a ser l'única persona que jo coneixia a qui encantava aprendre idiomes, i fins i tot encara que els meus amics em donaven suport amb aquesta afició, no vaig poder mai parlar amb ells sobre això, i menys en diferents llengües!. Aquesta comunitat increïble em va ajudar a entrendre'm millor a mi mateixa i al meu amor pels idiomes, i em va aportar decenes d'amics íntims de per vida i, fins-i-tot, em va ajudar a construir un negoci d'èxit relacionat amb els idiomes. Vine i uneix-t'hi!
El Polyglot Gathering és una acollidora i animada celebració de l'alegria d'aprendre llengües. Escoltaràs ponències inspiradores, recolliràs consells útils i tindràs una oportunitat de compartir el teu entusiasme amb vells i nous amics. És un dels moments destacats del meu any d'aprenentatge.
I go to the Polyglot Gathering every year. Cannot wait to talk to more language lovers again this year!
El Polyglot Gathering, tant en persona com online, ha tingut un gran impacte a la meva vida. És meravellós estar envoltat per gent de diferents procedències que comparteixen els mateixos interessos i que s'animen els uns als altres, sense importar quants idiomes parles. L'any passat, la trobada online va superar totes les meves expectatives i estic impacient per experimentar el mateix un altre cop aquest any: escoltar ponències fascinants, trobar-te amb vells amics en sales de pràctica d'idiomes i fer nous amics durant les activitats socials, són només uns pocs exemples del que fa el Polyglot Gathering tan estimat per mi.
Un enorme gràcies per aquest esdeveniment! Mai no he assistit a un esdeveniment més inclusiu, gent de tants països, de diferents edats, parlant tal nombre d'idiomes! Estic content d'haver tingut l'oportunitat de participar com a convidat i com a ponent, i ja estic impacient pel Polyglot Gathering de l'any vinent!
A wonderful example of how languages are the best way to build bridges between cultures and learn from each other rather than focusing on the differences. Discover that there are so many people who think the same way as I do and love switching between languages all the time.
It’s the best time of the year when you come together with people who share the same passion for language learning as you. For five days in a row, you get to practice your languages, learn about language-related topics, and meet new people from all over the world who quickly go from strangers to friends.
It gives you hundreds of new language partners, travel companions, couches to crash on, and shoulders to cry on.
Meeting interesting people. Meeting other people interested in languages and cultural understanding. Getting inspired how to improve my own language learning. Meeting friends.
It’s certainly one of my highlights of the year. It is not only the time of the Gathering itself but also the months and weeks of looking forward to it and the inspiration I take home from each Gathering.
It’s a place to meet all types of language enthusiasts in a very open, diverse, and friendly atmosphere.
As long as you find languages interesting, you’ll fit right in!
It’s a place where we can connect with people from all over the world in a peaceful and respectful manner. It is a great event because no matter the age or background of the participants, everyone is welcome and we can bond easily over our shared interest, which is to get to know new languages and cultures.
It’s a possibility to access an ideal world where you are understood and your ideas are shared. Like a summer camp for adults!
I never realized there were so many people out there who shared my passion for language learning. Finding an event that brings them all together was an epiphany. I have found my people: their passion for languages supports and elevates mine to a new level.
It’s THE place where you won’t feel weird about loving languages. It was the first time I was surrounded by people with the same passion as me!
How many languages do I have to speak to attend?
Your mother tongue! That’s it.
There’s no requirement of speaking many languages. All that counts is your approach to them: if you love learning languages and you want to meet like-minded people who also love languages, the Polyglot Gathering is the right place for you!
Why should I attend?
Meet new friends
If you think learning languages is a great leisure activity and you are learning new and new ones in your free time, where else will you find more than 500 people with this passion? It’s the best place to make like-minded friends.
Meet other professionals
If you are a language professional, teacher, interpreter or translator, then the proactive networking and stratcom with a clear goal to leverage your paradigm shift in language learning and endeavour for thinking out the box without any impact on doing the heavy lifting, attending the Polyglot Gathering may help you to push the envelope and bring a win-win situation. And if you came here after you were searching for these buzzwords, hey, we got you and want absolutely to talk to you on the site!
The Czech Republic is a country that should be on your travel radar. With its charming historic towns, picturesque villages, and diverse natural beauty, this Central European gem offers a wide range of attractions and experiences. There’s something for everyone here, so make sure to extend your visit and explore the unique and captivating facets of the Czech Republic!
Czech out your Czech
Exploring the Czech language in Brno is a rewarding experience. While mastering strč prst skrz krk may not be a daily necessity, even everyday words like čtvrtek (Thursday) and zmrzlina (ice cream) might be quite challenging! Learning Czech opens doors to authentic interactions, cultural insights, and a deeper connection with the vibrant atmosphere of Brno.
Travel around
Travel around Central and Eastern Europe: Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Austria are all in the Schengen Area, and there are no extra costs for phone and data roaming, which makes travelling much easier.
What do people do at a Polyglot Gathering?
attend lectures with practical language learning tips and many interesting topics related to languages (mostly in English but also in other languages) and even propose their own
share their own tips, ideas and insights in Lightning talks (spontaneous short talks)
visit practical workshops about less known languages and other language-learning skills
talk to other people in whatever language they share (everyone has a nametag with all the languages they wish to speak) and join scheduled Language Practice Tables to practice specific languages
hang out in comfy get-together areas in between the talks (including a No-English zone, a Board Game zone, Coffee-break zone (with free coffee!) or Sponsors zone
enjoy multilingual concerts, take an active part in a cultural evening
visit the city and surroundings, spend time in local bookstores and taste the regional cuisine in pubs and restaurants
share old language books and fresh food/beverage snacks from their country
Polyglot Gathering in pictures
Who are the organizers?
Els fundadors de l'esdeveniment i principals organitzadors de les tres primeres edicions (2014-2016) van ser Judith Meyer, Chuck Smith i Martin Sawitzki. Després, el Polyglot Gathering es va traslladar des de Berlin (Alemanya) a Bratislava (Eslovàquia) i ha estat organitzat des d'aleshores per una organització sense ànim de lucre Education@Internet (E@I), amb Peter Baláž com a organitzador principal juntament amb la resta de l'equip de políglotes i organitzadors d'aquesta organització.
Education@Internet (E@I) és un equip internacional que realitza projectes online que és activa des del 1999. Basant-se en l'experiència de l'equip, E@I es va constituir legalment el 2005 com una organització juvenil, políticament neutral i no governamental.
La visió de E@l's és la d'un món en harmonia i pau, on tots els ciutadans es poden comunicar globalment amb facilitat i rapidesa. This organization’s activities are conducted in accordance with this vision, and with the help of an international group of volunteers, e.g. organizing and supporting projects which disseminate the importance and usefulness of unbarred international communication.
If you love what this organization does for the Polyglot Gathering, please consider donating to help keep it going.