Polyglot Gathering とは
Polyglot Gathering はポリグロット(多言語話者)や語学ファン向けの最大級の国際イベントで、毎年5月末に開催されています。様々なトークやプレゼン、文化イベントやその他楽しめるイベントが盛り沢山で、その全てが「言語」とつながっています。
Are you ready for two Polyglot Gatherings in 2024?
This year we have prepared for you two events:
- The Polyglot Gathering Online from February 29 to March 3.
- The Polyglot Gathering in Prague, Czech Republic from May 15 to 19.
If you want to be informed as soon as more information about the Polyglot Gathering 2024 is available, just leave your e-mail address!
What did the participants say after the previous editions?
How many languages do I have to speak to attend?
Your mother tongue! That’s it.
There’s no requirement of speaking many languages. All that counts is your approach to them: if you love learning languages and you want to meet like-minded people who also love languages, the Polyglot Gathering is the right place for you!
Why should I attend?

Meet new friends
If you think learning languages is a great leisure activity and you are learning new and new ones in your free time, where else will you find more than 500 people with this passion? It’s the best place to make like-minded friends.
Meet other professionals
If you are a language professional, teacher, interpreter or translator, then the proactive networking and stratcom with a clear goal to leverage your paradigm shift in language learning and endeavour for thinking out the box without any impact on doing the heavy lifting, attending the Polyglot Gathering may help you to push the envelope and bring a win-win situation. And if you came here after you were searching for these buzzwords, hey, we got you and want absolutely to talk to you on the site!

Visit the heart of the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a country that should be on your travel radar. With its charming historic towns, picturesque villages, and diverse natural beauty, this Central European gem offers a wide range of attractions and experiences. There’s something for everyone here, so make sure to extend your visit and explore the unique and captivating facets of the Czech Republic!
Czech out your Czech
Exploring the Czech language in Prague is a rewarding experience. While mastering strč prst skrz krk may not be a daily necessity, even everyday words like čtvrtek (Thursday) and zmrzlina (ice cream) might be quite challenging! Learning Czech opens doors to authentic interactions, cultural insights, and a deeper connection with the vibrant atmosphere of Prague.

Travel around
Travel around Central and Eastern Europe: Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Austria are all in the Schengen Area, and there are no extra costs for phone and data roaming, which makes travelling much easier.
What do people do at a Polyglot Gathering?
Polyglot Gathering in pictures
Polyglot Gathering の創設者は Judith Meyer、Chuck Smith、Martin Sawitzki の3名で、2014年〜2016年(ベルリン開催)の Polyglot Gathering を主催しました。ブラチスラバに移った2017年以降は、非営利団体である Education@Internet (E@I) が主催しており、メインの主催者である Peter Baláž やその他協力者の協力をもとに開催されています。
E@I はオンラインでのプロジェクトを運営する国際的なチーム組織で、1999年に活動を開始しました。チームの専門性を活かしつつ、2005年からは、政治的に中立の立場をとる非政府青年団体として活動しています。
平和で調和があり、かつ人々が国を越えて容易に素早くコミュニケーションをとることのできる世界、これが E@I の目指すビジョンです。
Polyglot Gathering における当組織の活動を理解していただき、サポートを検討してくださる方に、寄付のご協力をお願いしております。この寄付は当組織の持続的な活動に役立てられます。